Nexus® 200 Plastic Bottle / Can Recycling Bin

Collect two recycling streams in separate liners within a single, space-saving unit.

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For more information or to place an order, please contact our sales office on +44 1253 600435 or e-mail:

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(Other colors and graphic options are available.)

Nexus® 200 Recycling Bins are ergonomic and versatile. Nexus 200 Plastic Bottle / Can Recycling Bin collects both recycling streams in separate liners within a single, space-saving unit.

Nexus® 200 Recycling Bin has been designed with a slim, elliptical shape to take up minimal space on the pavement while still collecting large amounts of material. Its attractive curved hood prevents litter being left on top of the bin and stops rainwater from pooling on the unit.

The bin is supplied with large clear recycling graphics on the hood and doors that conform to the recommendations of Defra's Recycle Now scheme. The graphics are highly visible from wide angles to promote correct usage.

Nexus® 200 Recycling Bin features an innovative door & lock design that makes emptying the unit quick and simple. A single operation is enough to access both liners. The doors feature concealed hinges, and interlock with the container at three points for maximum strength and security.

Non-standard graphic options are available with this product through our Personalisation Service. Please contact us today.

Design Features
  • 2 x 100 litre zinc-coated steel liners.
  • Double-skinned body and doors.
  • Anti-flyposting finish.
  • Four A3 poster frames with Recycle Now graphics.
Bin Body & Doors: Black (Includes Recycled Content).
Aperture Panels: Red/Grey
Poster Frames: Black
Bin body and door: Durapol™
Height: 1177mm
Width: 1169mm
Depth: 591mm
Capacity: 2 x 100 litres
Weight: 51kg
Glasdon International | Product Testing | Nexus® 200 outdoor recycling bin
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