Highway Hazard Markers and Delineator Posts

Glasdon highway delineators and hazard marker posts are ideal for highlighting road layouts in urban traffic environments and bends on rural or trunk roads. Manufactured with high quality polymer materials, these delineator posts and chevrons increase road safety while providing protection for grass verges.

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Glasdon hazard markers and flexible delineator posts act as traffic guidance devices, highlighting road layouts, roundabouts and bends on rural or trunk roads. Our range includes self-righting bollards made from passively safe materials that will return to an upright position after impact. Our products are tested to the highest European standard to ensure they will cause no damage to a vehicle or its occupants in a collision, as required by many highways authorities for high-speed roads.

For highlighting roundabouts and bends in the road, Glasdon innovative Chevroflex system is a self-righting, modular alternative to traditional steel chevron boards. Where metal signs create a significant potential hazard if struck, Chevroflex Ultra™ is made from specially engineered Impactaflex material, which will return to its original shape after a drive-through collision. The latest generation of Chevroflex has been independently tested and proven to be passively safe to BS EN 12767:2007 at Performance Standard NE3/100.

Glasdon also offer a range of sign carrying bollards such as the Ensign™ Bollard and Neopolitan Signhead™ Bollard, to help warn, inform and protect road users, cyclists and pedestrians. Perfect for marking dedicated cycle paths and shared routes.

In rural locations, the timber effect Glenwood™ post can be used to mark cycle routes and for access control. Made from Everwood™ material it requires minimal maintenance and optional 100mm vandal-resistant signfaces can be added for waymarking along footpaths and cycle routes.

Illuminated LED Bollards are great for highlighting traffic bends and road layouts in areas which are busy both day and night. Talk to us today to discuss your needs via our LiveChat feature.

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