Glasdon Jubilee™ 110 Newspaper & Magazine Recycling Bin

Has four dedicated paper slots and large, clear recycling graphics.

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For more information or to place an order, please contact our sales office on +44 1253 600435 or e-mail:

 There are required options for this product. Please review your selections. Required options are marked as red.
(Other colors and graphic options are available.)

Glasdon Jubilee 110 Recycling Bin offers a host of unique design features. Glasdon Jubilee 110 Newspaper & Magazine Recycling Bin has four dedicated paper slots and large, clear recycling graphics.

The unique ribbed design of the Glasdon Jubilee 110 deters flyposting and graffiti. The domed hood makes the bin strong and robust, and helps to prevent littering. The double-skinned 3-point interlocking slam-shut door has a concealed hinge for strength and security.

When purchased in the black model, this litter bin contains 15% recycled content.

Non-standard graphic options are available with this product through our Personalisation Service. Please contact us today.

Design Features
  • Domed hood.
  • Anti-flyposting finish.
  • Double-skinned 3-point interlocking slam-shut door.
  • Concealed knuckle hinge.
  • Mild steel liner.
  • Coloured banding.
Bin: Black (15% recycled content), Dark Blue, Deep Green, Anthracite Grey, Millstone  What is this?
Aperture Panel & Banding: Azure Blue
Bin body and door: Durapol™
Height: 1158mm
Width: 598mm
Depth: 553mm
Capacity: 110 litres
Weight: 28kg
Glasdon International | Product Testing | Glasdon Jubilee™ 110 Litter/Recycling Bin
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