As a Company with a commitment to continuously improving our environmental performance, we are pleased to announce that we have pledged to reach Net Zero by 2035 (with Scope 1 and 2* to be achieved by 2025).

The Glasdon Group of Companies aim to demonstrate environmental sustainability and champion social responsibility in every way possible. A passion for the environment and our local and wider communities has inspired us to integrate sustainable and ethical practices into our day to day activities, something we are continually assessing and improving.
We have invested considerable resources over the years into understanding our impact on the environment, which has resulted in many improvements to our buildings and working practices. We will continue to invest in and improve on our environmental accountability for all aspects of our Business.
Our journey to Net Zero is one that cannot be understated. We have established a Board level project team to map out a clear route of how to get there, as well as dedicated project teams to include employees from all across the Company.
Glasdon Group Founder and Chairman, Donald J Sidebottom MBE, FCIHT, said:
- “As a market leader in our field, we understand the responsibility we have to improve our environmental and social impact, and our Net Zero goals are a huge factor towards achieving this. We have work to do to reach Net Zero, but with the right dedication and experience we are confident that we will hit our 2035 target.
- We welcome the challenge and look forward to sharing our responsible business journey along the way!”
Committing to reaching Net Zero is something that has and will impact on all areas of our Business, including premises, supply chain, business processes, distribution and more. We are continuing to work alongside our employees, customers, and suppliers to ensure that Glasdon leads the way in seizing every opportunity to drive down emissions and to hit our goal of reaching Net Zero by 2035.
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*The Green House Gas Protocol Corporate Standard classifies a company's GHG emissions into three 'scopes'. Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy.