
Solving Parking Problems At Bolton Institute Of Higher Education

Problem Identified

Bolton Institute of Higher Education identified a car parking problem within their grounds and wanted to formalise and tidy up their parking arrangements. In particular, one area of the staff car park was notorious for causing parking problems. Cars parked in this area often blocked-in others or were left on the grass verge causing unsightly damage. It was decided that a delineation system was needed to prevent access to this particular area of the staff car park, which would also cause minimal damage to vehicles in the event of a collision.

The Solution

As Bolton Institute currently use a range of Glasdon products, Wendy Heydon, Deputy Property Services Manager, decided to contact Glasdon UK for additional product options. A Glasdon representative visited the site taking the Buffer™ Bollard for demonstration. Buffer Bollard is manufactured entirely from recycled rubber tyres and has outstanding resilience and impact absorbing properties. Buffer Bollard looks substantial due to the density of the recycled rubber material, yet the Bollard will ‘give’ on the impact of a minor collision. Buffer Bollard is available in two heights, 600mm and 900mm. It was agreed that the 600mm height bollards would be the ideal solution for use around the staff car park. Red and White reflective bands were supplied for maximum visibility by day and night.

Resulting Benefits

The college were aware that bollards positioned in a car park would possibly be bumped from time to time. Choosing Buffer™ Bollard has helped to reduce damage to vehicles and reduce costly re-siting of bollards after a low speed impact.

Significant benefits have been noticed since the bollards were installed, including:

  •  Greater control over cars parking discourteously and on grass verges.
  •  Cost Effective Low Maintenance - Buffer Bollards never need painting.
  •  Provides safe pedestrian/vehicle delineation.

What the Customer Says...

Wendy Heydon, Deputy Property Services Manager, Bolton Institute.
''Having previously used Glasdon products we were aware of their high quality and how well they stand up to the rigours of the college environment. Buffer Bollard is an ideal solution.''

Solving Parking Problems At Bolton Institute Of Higher Education
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

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