
Recycling with Returpack

Returpack is responsible for the deposit system on metal cans and PET bottles for beverages in Sweden. The privately-owned company manages the finances of the scheme and organises the return of containers for recycling. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency set tough targets of a 90% recycling rate for cans and bottles - the target was achieved for aluminium cans in 2010.

Our sister company, Glasdon Europe AB works closely with Returpack to offer a wide range of containers for collection points. The recycling containers are available in a choice of sizes with optional custom colour graphics and apertures. Glasdon recycling containers lead to clearer and more effective waste separation and cut down on cross contamination.

Returpack partners have purchased a large number of our C-Thru™ Recycling Containers for use in sports arenas, office sites, airports and other public spaces. Clear recycling containers make it easy for operators to know when a bin requires emptying, and further reduces the risk of contaminating the recyclable material with other waste.

To learn more about our versatile indoor and outdoor recycling containers, contact us, or use the Live Chat feature on this website.

Recycling with Returpack
Monday, November 24, 2014
The Green Web Foundation
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