
Headline News

With the help of our International partner in Iceland, the streets of Reykjavik the capital city have an unrivalled reputation for the very best standards of street cleanliness. Making headline news in the prestigious Morgunbladid national newspaper, an order for personalised Standford bins is said to be significantly improving the local environment.

The article explained that the city of Reykjavik had been looking for a solution to fight increasing levels of litter in the central area of the city because clearing the streets at night had become a time consuming and expensive problem. Whilst the street cleaning arrangements had been working smoothly, the previously used green waste bins had not proved effective enough. The city engineers appointed Consulting Engineers to look at the problem and the company recommended that the outdated containers be replaced by larger capacity, sturdier and more visually appealing Glasdon Stanford bins.

Following installation the city had been expecting to empty the new waste bins less often because of increased capacity, but contrary to their expectations, they found that because the Stanfords were collecting much more waste they therefore required emptying even more often.

This means that the Stanford containers, which are personalised with the city crest, in pride of place, are keeping the streets much cleaner and the waste collection is even more cost effective.

Headline News
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The Green Web Foundation
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