
The Environmental Impact of Disposable Vapes

Vaping is becoming more and more widespread, and with it, a growing concern about the environmental impact of disposable vape materials.

A selection of disposable vapes

As an environmentally conscious society, we are committed to reducing paper waste, restricting plastic pollution, and preventing the contamination of the environment with harmful chemicals. One way we are doing this is by discouraging cigarette smoking. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), cigarette filters contain microplastics and make up the second-highest form of plastic pollution worldwide. When cigarettes are incorrectly disposed of, not only is the plastic dumped, but so also are 7000 toxic chemicals that can pose a serious risk to the surrounding environment.*

However, some habits are hard to kick, and many smokers have turned to electronic cigarettes, more commonly known as vapes, as an alternative.

A Vaping Revolution

Over the past decade, vapes have become a more accessible, trendier, and alternative way to consume nicotine. Once a simple business model, now a thriving industry that brings in billions each year. In 2022, the global vape market was valued at 22.45 billion USD (18 billion GBP) and is expected to rise with an annual growth rate of 30.6% from 2022 to 2030.*

The vape industry has evolved considerably since its inception. Consumers now have access to devices with substantially better battery life, advanced atomisers, optimal vaping temperatures and, of course, a vast library of designs and e-liquid flavours. These technological and user developments, combined with high demand across North-America, Asia and Europe,* have led to the rapid rise of the vape and, more crucially, the disposable vape.

These small, colourful and engaging devices consist of a plastic casing, a lithium-ion battery, nicotine-infused e-liquid, and a host of other materials and chemicals. This raises the question: are disposable vapes safe for the environment?

Whilst vaping can (currently) be a much safer alternative for our bodies than smoking, everything we consume will impact our ecosystem.

The Lithium-Ion Issue

Whilst rates will vary from country to country, the UK in particular has seen a staggering level of improper disposal. According to recent research commissioned by independent non-profit organisation Material Focus, 1.3 million disposable vapes are irresponsibly thrown away each week; that’s enough to cover 22 football pitches.

Material Focus has concluded that each vape contains 0.15g of Lithium batteries inside them, which adds up to an astounding 10 tonnes ending up in landfills or incinerators annually - the same as 1,200 electric vehicle batteries.* In order to strive towards a future where we aren't reliant on fossil fuels, lithium has been identified as a key tool and Group of Batteriesone that must be preserved as much as possible.

Yet, if not safely disposed of, lithium possesses the potential to cause serious fire hazards, known to combust when pressure is applied. The batteries can explode in recycling bins, waste trucks, or waste processing plants if accidentally crushed in waste compactors. According to another report by Material Focus, over 700 fires erupt each year due to the detonation of lithium batteries, costing fire and waste processing services millions each year.*

Environmental Repercussions

As well as the irresponsible disposal of valuable lithium, vapes contain several other components that can cause serious harm to humans, animals and the planet. The most prominent is plastic, which most - if not all - brands use to form a device's coloured shell. Unfortunately, the plastic used to manufacture vapes is non-degradable. Other components include copper, rubber and even glass, all of which; also do not decompose easily when discarded into landfill sites.*

Vapes are also recognised as a toxic hazard. UK-based Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) recycler, SWEEEP Kuusakoski, says that due to the presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the form of brominated flame-retardant pollutants found in the plastic components and substances in the printed circuit board, some vapes are likely to be classified as hazardous.* Additionally, the nicotine-rich e-liquids can leak into the environment, contaminating water and natural habitats, harming animals and poisoning water supplies.*

Given the environmental issues that we face, it is imperative to take into account the right way to handle the discarding of vapes. Actions are being taken by organisations and governments in order to reduce or control the use of disposable vapes.

Call to Action

Ban Sign

Amidst growing concerns about the environmental impact of disposable vapes, many countries have voiced their desire for regulation. However, the primary motivation behind these efforts is undoubtedly centred on safeguarding the health and well-being of young adults, with an emphasis on curbing smoking habits.

At present, there exists no universal agreement on the legality of vaping. Different nations hold diverse attitudes towards vaping which vary from country to country.  Some permit vaping with limited regulations in place to safeguard against youth access to nicotine products. In contrast, countries like Australia have stricter laws that control factors such as advertising, nicotine levels, and flavours in vaping products. A handful of nations, including Brazil, Argentina, and India, have prohibited vaping entirely.*

Currently, the UK and France are anticipated to announce a ban, while other European nations such as Germany, Ireland, and Belgium are deliberating on public sentiment and the EU's stance regarding implementing prohibition measures.

Scott Butler, Executive Director of Material Focus said: “A key part of the problem is that vapes are advertised as disposable. Producers and retailers need to work together to ensure that they should make people aware that vapes should never be binned and instead be recycled.”

Albeit, whilst no concrete plans are in place to ban vaping, the only current resolution is through the use of Vape Recycling Bins for safe and efficient disposal. As with any type of electrical waste, recycling is vital. Read our Guide to Recycling Disposable Vapes to see how you or your organisation can dispose of vapes responsibly.

For more information on the topic discussed in this article, please Contact Us or speak to a member of our team using our LiveChat service.


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

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