
Recycling on the Railways

ScotRail is the operating brand of all train services in Scotland, managing dozens of routes and hundreds of railway stations around the country.

As a leading Scottish business aware of its corporate social responsibility, ScotRail began investigating visible recycling schemes for its train platforms more than a year ago. The company contacted our sister company Glasdon UK and worked with them and Zero Waste Scotland to implement a recycling trial at 19 major stations around Scotland.

Recycling and litter bins on railway platforms in the UK is a sensitive security issue. ScotRail specified Glasdon's C-Thru™ and Orbis™ Recycling Bins in prominent locations around the platforms. The transparent designs of the bins enables ScotRail to maximise employee resources, only inspecting and emptying bins when they're full.

Nicole Tyson, Environmental Manager at First ScotRail Ltd, said: "The bins were installed at 20 stations and due to their success we intend to roll this out to further stations within the next year. Customers can now recycle waste that would previously have gone to landfill. Since the launch of the project we have had lots of requests for the bins at other stations from staff and customers, and even some MPs have requested the bins in their local station."

To talk to us about our versatile range of indoor and outdoor recycling containers, please contact us, or use the Live Chat feature on this website.

Recycling on the Railways
Monday, October 13, 2014
The Green Web Foundation
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