Solar Signmaster™ is the ideal solution for new and existing traffic island schemes, offering increased visibility at night without the direct mains electricity costs. It requires minimal maintenance and annual servicing, limited to the exterior cleaning of the bollard as with a
non-illuminated model.
The Solar Signmaster also presents opportunities to save costs in the development of rural schemes, where mains power may not be conveniently located by the road side.
During daylight hours, the solar panel charges the large capacity batteries which are housed in the sealed (IP67 rated) below ground chamber.
The large 300mm LED sign face is operated by LDR for night-time illumination. Powered by a smart ‘Eco Mode’ LED circuit when battery voltage is below 6V (50%) to maximise the run-time of the LED.
Solar Signmaster is available in white and black Impactapol™ as standard and comes with below ground battery chamber.

Design Features
- Zero Direct Energy Costs: Solar panel charges large capacity batteries. Enters ‘Eco-Mode’ to preserve battery when light level is too low to generate continuous charge.
- Smart Power: Solar panel powers 2 large capacity batteries with a total capacity of
- IP Rated Protection: Sealed, domed below ground battery chamber provides IP67 rated protection* for batteries and circuit. Circuit and batteries are protected below ground in
case of an impact, so the bollard will continue
to operate after an impact.

What is this? Solar Signmaster™ Battery Chamber

Bollard IP56 rated*. Protects internal electrical components from water spray. Future proof - plug in power connector allows for quick and easy bollard only replacement. 
What is this? Solar Signmaster™ Plug In Connection

- Visibility: Large 300mm LED sign face provides easier recognition for road users with L1 Mean Luminance and U3 Uniformity*. Very bright for excellent visibility and evenly distributed for easy recognition. Retroreflective conspicuity patches are highly visible by day and by night*. Side patches have class-leading size and are angled for a wider side view.

What is this? Solar Signmaster™ Retroreflective Patches and Options

- Versatility: 606, 610, 611 & 616 ‘No Entry’ signs as standard.

What is this? Solar Signmaster™ Signface Options

Other sign options available. Includes front and 2 x side retroreflective patches as standard. Additional Side and Rear Patches available for 360 degree visibility at junctions. - Passively Safe: One piece bollard with integral fixing points prevents twisting. The bollard body is made from double-skinned, passively safe Impactapol material. Bollard and battery chamber drive-through tested to meet BS EN 12767 and achieve 70, NE4.
- *Meets the requirements of BS 8442:2015.
Bollard Body: Black or White
Battery Chamber: Black
Bollard Body: Impactapol
Solar Panel Cover: Themoplastic Polyurethane (TPU)
Battery Chamber: Durapol™

What is this? Solar Signmaster™ Battery Chamber

Retroreflective Sign/Patches: Avery Dennison Fluorescent Yellow and Translucent White. All retroreflective materials supplied by Glasdon UK are as recommended in table NA1 of the National Annex of BS EN 12899-1:2007 Fixed Vertical Road Signs.
Height: 1044mm
Width: 397mm
Depth: 187mm
Foot detail: 351 x 351mm.
Fixing centres: 228 x 228mm.
Sign face: 300mm diameter.
Front and side reflective patches meet the standard required.
Weight of bollard: 7.4kg