Topsy™ Litter Bin

The original Topsy Litter Bin revolutionised litter collection when it was launched in 1984.

The Topsy bin included two innovations never before seen in a litter container: a hood that lifted off from the bottom of the bin, and the Firexpire® Fire Safety Device.

Previous designs of hooded litter bins, including the timeless Super Guppy™ Litter Bin, opened just below the aperture, at a similar height to the lip of open-topped bins like the Admiral™ Litter Bin. Emptying the bin required lifting a full metal liner three feet in the air - and local authority bin men might have to do this hundreds of times a day. Topsy changed all that by having the lightweight hood (approximately 4kg) lift off from the base of the bin, reducing the lift of the heavy liner to just a few inches.

Firexpire® is, if we say so ourselves, one of those simple-but-genius inventions that makes you wonder how no one thought of it before - and was deemed so important that we patented it. The way it works is incredibly straight-forward. A fire extinguishing plate sits inside the bin top. Should a fire break out inside the bin, a special replaceable, heat-responsive device releases the plate, which then seals off the mouth of the liner and snuffs out the fire through oxygen starvation.

Firexpire® is an optional extra on many of our bins. It's intended as a low-cost auxiliary device and must never replace primary fire prevention measures. Obstructions preventing the plate from dropping may adversely affect the function of the unit and as many Firexpire® devices are used in unsupervised locations, regular inspection and immediate replacement of any damaged or distorted components is essential.

The Topsy family has grown since 1984: the original bin was joined by the more traditionally-styled Topsy Jubilee™ Litter Bin in the early 90s, and Topsy received a facelift at the turn of the century. The Topsy 2000™ Litter Bin modified the shape to increase capacity within the same size footprint and added the innovative keyless locking system that debuted on the Plaza™ Litter Bin.

The newest member of the Topsy family is the brand-new Topsy Royale™ Litter Bin, which combines the benefits of our two most popular hooded litter bins - Topsy 2000 and the Glasdon Jubilee™ 110 Litter Bin. Gold or silver banding and Bin-it plaque, the anti-flyposting finish of the Glasdon Jubilee and Streamline Jubilee™ Litter Bin, the lift-off hood of the Topsy family and Topsy's robust keyed lock combine at an exceptionally competitive price to make what we believe to be the most compelling hooded litter bin on the market.

To talk about Topsy, or any other Glasdon litter bins, contact us or use the Live Chat facility embedded on this site.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

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