Highway Safety Bollards and Equipment

As leading bollard manufacturers, we design and manufacture highway bollards and road safety equipment for traffic calming schemes and road engineering measures. Chevron sign boards, flexible self-righting bollards, delineators and illuminated markers are all included in our range.

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The Glasdon range of highway safety equipment includes illuminated and non-illuminated, retroreflective and road bollards for traffic and pedestrian refuge islands, roundabouts, junctions and as delineators.

For pedestrianised areas and pavements, traditionally styled bollards such as the Glasdon Manchester™ Bollard or Victory™ Bollard are available as a rigid or rebound bollard. Striving for quality and compliance, we design and rigorously test all of our traffic safety equipment to the highest quality and safety standards, using strong and durable materials.

Glasdon passively safe bollards, chevron systems and verge marker posts are manufactured with the specially formulated polymer materials including Impactapol™ material and Reflexapol™ material; and are crash tested to meet European Standard BS EN 12767.

Delineators such as reflective verge markers and chevron boards are an ideal solution for highlighting hazards and sharp changes in direction on fast paced rural roads.

Mark dedicated cycle lanes with a passively safe, Impactapol material, sign-carrying bollard such as the Mini-Ensign™ Bollard. Alternatively, the wood effect Glenwood™ Post, with its range of polycarbonate plaques, is perfect for highlighting cycle routes in rural settings.

With special LED lighting technology and reflective band personalisation integrated into our bollards and Chevroflex sign lighting products, areas that are subjected to low light will no longer be a problem. Glasdon's LEDs have an expected life of at least 50,000 hours, which is equivalent to 10 years of nights.

We’re here to help. Talk to one of our highway safety experts about your requirements today.

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