Glasdon Manchester Bollard is a traditionally-styled bollard available as either a passively safe reboundable Impactapol model or rigid Durapol model.
The LockFast Socket allows for easy removal and replacement of the bollard top making it ideal for delivery areas, parking control and market day access where the bollard may need to be removed temporarily. For pedestrianised areas, a LockFast Blanking Plate can be purchased with the bollard top to cover the socket when the top has been removed to prevent a potential trip hazard.
Design Features
- Rebound and rigid models available with LockFast™ Sockets.
What is this? Fixing options
- Never requires painting - unlike cast iron equivalents.
- A fraction of the weight of a metal bollard - can be installed by one person.
- Existing cast iron bollards can be replaced over time to save cost.
- Recessed areas for retroreflective or decorative banding.
- LockFast™ Socket allows quick and easy bollard top replacement making it ideal for areas where the bollard may need to be removed temporarily.
- Optional blanking cap available to prevent the potential trip hazard if the bollard is removed temporarily, blanking caps feature a slip-resistant finish.
What is this? LockFast Blanking Plate
Bollard: Passively safe Impactapol™ Material or rigid Durapol™ Material.
What is this? Durapol or Impactapol Materials
LockFast Socket: Durapol™ Material.
All retroreflective materials supplied by Glasdon UK are as recommended in table NA1 of the National Annex of BS EN 12899-1:2007 Fixed Vertical Road Signs.
Height above ground: 1005mm.
Maximum diameter: 220mm.
Banding diameter: 1 x 63mm and up to 3 x 12mm.
Socket depth below ground: 350mm.
Extended base depth below ground: 300mm.