A passively safe verge marker with wide-angle reflectors and a choice of fixing methods.

For more information or to place an order, please contact our sales office on +44 1253 600435 or e-mail: gil@glasdon.com

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Vergemaster RX™ Marker Post is a passively safe verge marker with wide-angle reflectors and a choice of fixing methods.

The post's white band is moulded in to ensure longevity.

Design Features
  • Passively safe Reflexapol® Material construction.
  • Extended base fixing model successfully tested to Performance Standard NE4/100 by TRL.
  • Two arced microprismatic Impactalight™ Reflectors increase reflective performance and viewing angles for clear delineation by day and night. What is this?
  • Choice of fixing options available. What is this?
Marker post: Reflexapol® Material. What is this?
Fixing stake: Pressure-treated timber.
All retroreflective materials supplied by Glasdon UK are as recommended in table NA1 of the National Annex of BS EN 12899-1:2007 Fixed Vertical Road Signs.
Height above ground: 920mm (extended base/stake type), 886mm (bolt-down).
Maximum diameter: 167mm.
Depth below ground: 350mm (extended base), 523mm (stake type), 100mm (bolt-down).
Adjustable depth concrete-in anchors depth below ground: 320mm.
Glasdon International | High Speed Product Testing | Vergemaster RX™ Marker Post
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